Saturday, April 17, 2010

Board Meeting Minutes, Mar 23, 10

To: Island Towers Association Board of Directors
From: Robert W. Beck, secretary
Re: Minutes of March 23, 2010, Board Meeting
Date: April 15, 2010
Establish a Quorum/Roll Call. Members present: D Kahanu, president; Richard Muny, vice president; Joe Metelski, treasurer, Robert Beck, secretary, Millie Kelley, director; Leon Bradlow, director; Robert Klamo, director
Call to Order. D Kahanu at 6:00 PM.
Approval of the February 23, 2010, minutes. Motion to waiver reading the minutes: R. Muny, seconded by R. Klamo. Motion carried. Motion to approve minutes: D. Kahanu, seconded by Millie Kelley. Motion carried.
Financial Report. Joe Metelski. We are under budget in all three areas. However, we are 52% over budget in water consumption and consequently 24% over budget in sewage costs. We need to conserve.
Property Management's Report. Steve Carpenter.
(1) Coping around pool has been repaired.
(2) Balcony repair project has been completed.
(3) Walkway decks are repaired.
(4) Downspouts from roof have been completed but not painted yet.
(5) A contract has been signed for the pool delamination repair project.
(6) There was a reduction (rebate) of $4200 in insurance.
(7) The waterside sidewalk project will proceed.
(8) We are working on the Fire Marshall's current list of infractions. The Fire Marshall "backed off of requiring us to replace all pull stations and will allow us to replace only the small glass tubes in each one at a $1500 savings.
(9) There will be a meeting on Friday at 10:30 AM with representatives of CPS, PPG and Crowe Industries concerning improperly fitting window screens and water leaks.
Unfinished Business.
(1) Curbing project around ends of carports on east and west sides of property. There is a bid outstanding from G.A. Nichols Co. ($1,075) for both sides. Resident John Richardson passed out diagrams of a proposed curbing design. President Kahanu made the motion to have John head up the project. Dick Muny seconded. Motion carried. John and Steve will make a final proposal. Director Leon Bradlow reminded the Board that handicapped accessibility around the clubhouse (a ramp) needs to be included in one of these concrete-work proposals as it seems to have been forgotten.
(2) New fence for the Pool. After much discussion, Drago made the motion to contract Smith Fencing for a 5 ft. aluminum picket fence around the pool with two gates. The gates will have aluminum mesh and the proper code locking mechanisms. Pickets, gates and mesh will be powder coated. The cost will be approximately $7,000.
(3) Heating the pool. John Richardson summarized the last meeting of the pool heating committee. Specifics of John's presentation and the lengthy discussion afterwards are recorded on audio tape and currently on file in the Association office. One determination made was that we need a decision by the Association attorney, Ben Rabin, concerning whether the Board makes the decision on heating the pool or not or does the issue have to be decided by a resident vote. Drago will confer with attorney Rabin for this decision. Another concern brought up was the problem of realtors advertising to prospective buyers that the Island Towers pool and/or spa pool is heated when in reality it is not. What specifically is our obligation? This is also a Rabin determination.
New Business.
(1) Building Drainage. Steve Carpenter presented the quotation from G.A. Nichols Co. for a drainage system for the West Building which would either tie into existing drainage pipes through the sea wall or through a new penetration through the wall. The cost for the West Building is $12,000. (Should we decide to also install drainage for the East Building, it would be an additional $12,000). When asked by Steve, John Richardson felt that we should definitely not use the recently installed roof drains for various reasons. However, there is a water drain running from the street through the sea wall which might be tapped for West Building drainage. Also, there is a third drainage pipe running through the seawall which empties water collected from behind the clubhouse. This system was designed by Ted Graham of KWA for the recently completed project. These are two possibilities as alternate ways to tap existing drain pipes and avoid the roof drainage pipes. The Board asked Steve to confer with Ted Graham on these possibilities.
(2) Insurance Renewal. Steve stated that we renewed the insurance on March 12 in the amount of $75,103.56 without having to finance. We used funds left over from the construction.
(3) Door Closer Installation. Steve received two bids to install 32 closers ($100 ea. at Home Depot). Farrell Construction bid $40.00 installation for each door; Blue Chip Construction bid $28.50. Motion to accept Blue Chip Construction bid made by Drago Kahanu, seconded by Bob Beck. Motion carried.
(4) Kitchen Renovation. Kitchen cabinets to replace clubhouse range which Fire Marshall said had to be removed. Blue Chip Construction bid $785. Drago Kahanu made motion to accept Blue Chip's bid, seconded by Dick Muny. Motion carried.
(5) Clubhouse stair railing. Motion to go with a new railing ($4235) made by Drago, seconded by Bob Beck. Motion carried.
(6) Landscaping. Question from owner Joan Lind (505E) asking if something can be done about rejuvenating the landscaping in the driveway island of the East Building. Bob responded that Ms Lind had been invited to join the landscaping committee and accepted. They met with Frank of Summit Lawn Care and came up with a plan to add palm trees and shrubs to replace those killed by cold weather. (This work has been completed at the writing of these minutes.)
(7) Sea wall inspection. John Richardson was given Board permission to contact Reuben Clarson, our sea wall marine engineer, concerning a five-year inspection of the sea wall. John mentioned that this had been budgeted at $1200.
(8) Other Concerns. Bob Klamo brought up the concern of the number of residents, four, who are not paying their monthly maintenance. Drago and Joe Metelski commented that there are limited options concerning steps that can be taken. However, there are certain options which can be done, but they are not at liberty to discuss them at this time.
Adjournment. Drago Kahanu made the motion to adjourn, seconded by Joe Metelski. Meeting adjourned at 8:00 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Robert W. Beck
Board meeting is recorded on audio cassette and available to residents in the Association office.