Sunday, October 17, 2010

Sep 28, 10 Board Meeting Minutes

To: Island Towers Board of Directors
From: Bob Beck, ITA Board Secretary
Re: Board Meeting Minutes for September 28, 2010
Date: October 16,, 2010

Establish a Quorum/Roll Call--Six of the seven Board members were present, establishing a quorum: President Kahanu, present; Vice President Muny, absent; Treasurer Metelski, present by phone; Secretary Beck, present; Director Klamo, present; Director Bradlow, present; Director Kelley, present

Call to Order--by President Kahanu at 6:02 PM
(Recognition of Steve Carpenter on his retirement effective Oct. 1, 2010, and introduction of Elizabeth Fox, our new Condominium Associates' agent.)
Waive reading of minutes: Board voted unanimously to waive reading minutes of August 27, 2010.

Approval of the minutes: Board voted unanimously to approve minutes of August 27, 2010.

Financial Report: Kahanu and Metelski--YTD we are in fairly good shape in the three areas, East Bldg., West Bldg. and Master: Master YTD +2.5% (approx. $3,600), East Bldg. YTD +6.6% (approx. $9500), West Bldg. YTD +2.5% (approx. $3600) Operating cash is fairly favorable. We are in fairly favorable condition cash flow-wise. The August financials can be obtained by going to and downloading them or by calling Client Services (727) 753-9300 and asking them to mail you a copy. (There is a small fee for mailing.)

Property Management's Report--

(1) Our maintenance man, Luis, is working out well. He works from 8:00 - 12:00 five days a week.

(2) First draft of the 2011 budget has been distributed by CA. The final draft will be Nov. 23 subject to approval by Board members. The Board and finance committee must have recommendations to CA by the Oct. Board meeting when the final budget must be approved for mailing to residents. This will be in the final budget format approved by the Board and CA.

(3) Collection of rents from delinquent accounts. ITA would get the rent money. If we approve this, it will become part of the CA contract. Motion: We will approve what CA is proposing. Motion was seconded. Vote was unanimously in favor.

(4) Elevator repairs. Steve mentioned that there would be a rather large expense next month ($8,000) after the elevator repair work (modifications to bring them up to code) is completed in both buildings. The majority of the expense will be reflected in the September financials next month. We are about 80% done with repairs in both buildings.

(5) Landscaping vote. Board forgot to vote last month on landscaping improvements discussed at the last meeting which were installation of 12 crape myrtle trees in front of both buildings and additional plantings on the west side of the 200 building to inhibit sea spray on the covered parking spaces closest to the water. These projects are at a cost of $1200. Motion was made and seconded to accept bid by Summit Lawn Care. Motion carried.

(6) Telephone list. Change in FL statute states that it is illegal to publish the phone numbers of residents. Decision: We will contact all residents and get their permission to have their phone numbers listed. Phone numbers of those who wish to have their numbers omitted will be deleted from the list. Drago will ask Joan Panrell to contact everyone to get his or her preference. The suggestion was made that we have an emergency list of phone numbers available in the office. Drago will check with the attorney concerning this matter. Motion was made that we will contact residents and get their permission to have numbers published and go with that list. Motion was seconded and carried unanimously.

(6) Question: Has an electrician fixed the electrical fixture around the pool which had water coming out of it? Answer: electrician will have to order a new pool light with a long cord that goes into the box. Also, electrician installed an outlet in the West Building workshop.

(7) Does the motion detector on the east side of the clubhouse work? Answer: Yes, it does.

Unfinished Business--

(1) Pool Heaters. This item will be discussed with the Board at the special meeting scheduled on Oct. 19 by the pool heating committee.

(2) Pool Fence. Drago met with Rick Johnson, director of the Dunedin permitting office. Johnson agreed to an on-site meeting concerning both the pool and perimeter fences. He will give us some information and help on how to deal with permitting issues.

(3) Kitchen Renovations. Drago will meet soon with the attorney, Ben Rabin, to get input on how to proceed on this issue. Drago asked Steve to get clarification from the fire marshal concerning our using a combination microwave/convection oven in the clubhouse kitchen.

(4) Kayak Storage Rack. This item was put on hold and will be discussed with Rick Johnson when he visits the property.

(5) Perimeter Fence. Discussed under #2 above, Pool Fence.

(6) Bike Storage. Steve sent the letter to residents who signed up for bike storage but who have not put a bike in their assigned slot(s), giving them 60 days to do so or their slot(s) will be reassigned to residents waiting for space. Drago reiterated that the space is owned by the IT Association rather than by individual owners. If the space is not used by an owner, the Association has the power to reassign the space. Also, specific bike rack space is not automatically included with a unit when the unit is sold.

New Business--

(1) Putting Green Repairs. Steve had the putting green painted for the sake of appearance. The question is: Should the putting green be restored or should the issue of restoration be put to a resident vote? Answer: The putting green is part of the original list of amenities for the property. The decision was to have Steve and/or Liz get an estimate on restoring it. Also, if it was decided by a previous IT board to do away with the putting green seven or eight years ago, the decision is invalid since the putting green is part of the original list of amenities for the property. To change or remove an amenity takes a resident vote and is not a board decision. It is the current Board's responsibility to maintain the property and its amenities or arrange for IT residents to vote whether or not to continue and maintain the amenity.

(2) Ground Water in Women's Restroom. Ted Graham, engineer for Kerns Whitehouse, has determined the problem is rain water from the outside running under the door of the air conditioning room, across the floor and into the women's restroom. Nichols Construction Co. presented a proposal ($1,150) to raise the threshold of the a/c room door to the outside and to install a shorter' fiber glass door. Drago made the motion to raise the outside door threshold, replace the door, and get an opinion on whether or not adding a vent to the door would help curtail the flow of water under the door. Motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

(3) Perimeter Fence. Tabled until October meeting. Question was raised as to whether the perimeter fence is a security or privacy issue. Drago will get a determination from the attorney. We will vote on the fence issue at the October meeting.

Unit Owner Letters and Concerns--

John Richardson--rust issues on stairwells and railings. John asked Board whether they want him to contact Raul of Complete Property Services to come out and do an evaluative study of the situation. Steve said that there is a proposal on file from CPS to do the maintenance of the stairwells for both buildings in the spring and that they should be deferred until the fall. Drago stated that it would be feasible for us to establish a maintenance committee.

Hattie Bradlow--Is anything being done about routine maintenance and sanitizing of trash chutes? Drago responded that we are trying to move toward preventative maintenance in general. Sandy Phillips mentioned the deplorable condition of the chute in the East Building.

Jodie Cannon asked about the condition of the coating on the walkways and if the installer is going to do anything about their condition and appearance. Steve is going to write a letter to Gemstone about this situation. Drago suggested a scheduled meeting about warranty issues.

Bob Beck brought up the issue about the broken window and window seals in the West Building lobby.

Ann Wiberg stated that the last applied coat of walkway sealer splashed on the screen door.

Sandy Phillips said that she has holes all over her screens.

Carmen Walsh asked about the status of the screen replacement.
Crowe Industries said that the window screens weren't cut right. They are running a test on two units before replacing all the screens.

Adjournment: 8:00 PM

Note: Minutes available on file in IT office and recorded on audio cassette also on file.
Respectfully submitted,
Robert W. Beck
Secretary, ITA Board of Directors

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