Monday, December 27, 2010

Minutes of the Dec. 14, 2010, Board Meeting

To: Island Towers Board of Directors
From: Bob Beck, ITA Board Secretary
Re: Minutes of the Dec. 14, 2010, Board Meeting

Date: December 18, 2010

Call to Order--by President Kahanu at 6:00 PM

Roll Call of Directors/Establish Quorum--Six Board members were present, establishing a quorum: President Kahanu, present; Vice-President Muny, absent; Treasurer Metelski, present; Secretary Beck, present; Director Klamo, present; Director Bradlow, present; Director Kelley, present

Proof of Notice--Proof of Notice provided by President Kahanu

Approval of the November 23, 2010, Board Meeting Minutes--(1) Motion made and seconded to waive reading of minutes. Motion carried. (2) Motion made and seconded to approve minutes. Motion carried unanimously.

Financial Report--Treasurer Metelski The comparison of year-to-date operating expenses to budget was favorable in each of the three units. Master was under budget by 11.2% or $28,939. There was no section of expenses that was over budget. The most significant turn-around was in the utility expense section, with water, sewer and electricity showing negative monthly expenses totaling around $6,000. East Building was under budget year-to-date by $9,846 or 5%. Again, the total in each expense section was under budget, with only the elevator expense, in the repairs and maintenance section, being over budget by $1,744. West Building total year-to-date expenses were under budget by $3,406 or 2%. The only item over budget was building and exterior, in the repairs and maintenance section, which was over budget by $2,696.

Committee Report--John Richardson (Pool Heating Committee chair)--John asked for a check to be cut for 1/2 of consultant's fee ($1575), so consultant Tom Mudano can be paid. Motion was made and seconded. Motion passed unanimously.

Manager's Report--Liz Fox (Condominium Associates): A copy of Liz's report is included in the office copy of the minutes and available for review. Also, a copy is available in the ITA secretary's notebook maintained by Bob Beck (#102 West Tower).

Old Business--
(1) Pool Fence--Motion to approve fence was made and seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
(2) Perimeter Fence--Motion to approve fence was made and seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
(3) Kitchen renovations--It was decided to go back for a full residents' vote on the issue since it cannot be decided by simply 3/4 of the residents physically attending the meeting. Specifically, to continue to have a conventional stove in the clubhouse kitchen will cost the Association approximately $25,000 to bring the kitchen up to code with a new stove and a commercial range hood that vents out the side of the clubhouse. These changes would amount to approximately $300 per unit. If 3/4 of the total ownership do not vote to totally eliminate the stove (and thus not have to install a stove or a commercial range hood) we are legally bound by our documents to replace the stove and install the commercial range hood. A possible much less expensive alternative would be to choose a combination microwave/convection oven to replace the current conventional stove. The model of the combo microwave/convection oven would be subject to approval by the fire marshal.
(4) Putting green repairs--Tabled until three bids are received.

New Business--
(1)Trash Chute Repairs and Cleaning--Motion to proceed was made and seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
(2) Pool Area Paver Cleaning and Sealing--Tabled
(3) Dock Painting and Repair--Motion made and seconded, Motion carried unanimously.
(3) Bright House contract renewal,
(4) Knowlogy Proposal--Unable to get proposal to us on time. Tabled
(4) Elevator Maintenance Proposals--Tabled.

Unit Owner Letters and Concerns--A water test has been performed on the waterside windows in units 401 W and 301 W.

Adjournment-- Motion to Adjourn was made and seconded. Motion carried unanimously. Adjournment at 8:00 PM.

Note: Minutes and an audio recording of the Board Meeting are available to Island Towers residents in the ITA office.

Respectfully submitted,
Robert W. Beck
Secretary, Island Towers Association

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