Monday, May 17, 2010

For Sale at ITC, May 17, 2010

Address Water Bed Bath Parking Age SqFt Price
300 Woodette Dr #404 Yes 2 F2 1 Crpt 37 1,180 $239,900
300 Woodette Dr #703 Yes 2 F2 1 Crpt 37 1,370 $249,900
200 Woodette Dr #601 No 2 F2 1 Crpt 36 1,370 $259,900
300 Woodette Dr #802 No 2 F2 1 Crpt 37 1,180 $279,900
300 Woodette Dr #805 Yes 2 F2 1 Crpt 37 1,370 $370,000

The accuracy of the above information can not be guaranteed. Please check with the provider, Susan Gaddis, Realtor, (727) 403-9070, or

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

How to file a maintenance request.

You have the following options if you want to get maintenance work done:

1. Go to It takes a little while to register, but once completed this is the fastest way to file a maintenance request. Make sure you get the maintenance request number so you can use it as a reference to track any request you made.
2. Call Client Services, 727-573-9300: and ask them to file the request for you. This is the second fastest way, but you have to ask to get the maintenance request number and it probably won't be available until later.
3. Call Steve Carpenter, 727-573-9300: verbally give the request to him and he’ll have Client Services file the request. However, Steve has 6-8 Associations he is managing, and can be hard to reach.
4. Fill out a maintenance request form: They are located on the office door. Fill out the form and slip it under the door. Someone will find it and send it to Client Services or Steve, to file a maintenance request. This probably takes the longest time to get into the system. You have to wait for someone to be in the office, and then call Client Services to file the request.
5. Ask someone else to with a computer to file the request for you: This has mix results as far as speed is concerned because it relies on someone else to file the request in a timely fashion.

Of the five options, #1 is the fastest and you can get the maintenance request number at the same time. Also, when you file a request you have the option to have any or all the board members copied in on the request. (NOTE: All the Board is supposed to get a copy of all maintenance requests, but this makes sure that it happens.). Once a maintenance request is filed and in the system, you can track it by use of the maintenance request number.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Minutes Board Meeting, Apr 27, 10, 6:00 PM

To: Island Towers Association Board of Directors
From: Robert W. Beck, Association Secretary
Date: April 29, 2010
Re: Minutes of Tuesday, April 27, 2010, Board Meeting

Establish a Quorum/Roll Call--Quorum established by President Kahanu. Roll Call--Present: D. Kahanu, R. Klamo, R. Beck, L. Bradlow, R. Muny (by phone) Absent: J. Metelski, M. Kelley

Call to Order--President Kahanu at 6:00 PM

Waive reading minutes of March 23, 2010--Motion made by D. Kahanu, seconded by L. Bradlow. Motion carried.

Approve minutes of March 23, 2010--Motion made by D. Kahanu, seconded by L. Bradlow. Motion carried.

Financial Report--With the absence of Treasurer J. Metelski, President Kahanu presented the monthly financials. East and West Building and Association are all below budget. The high cost of water last month was determined to be a pool leak which was fixed. We are now below budget in that area too.

Property Management's Report--Steve Carpenter: (1) Pool fiber glass delamination project completed, (2) Sidewalk project completed, (3) The new clubhouse bar will be installed by Monday, (4) Lighting system behind buildings (waterside) and irrigation system have been repaired. (5) New pool fence installation is scheduled for May 10th subject to Dunedin approval. (6) G.A. Nichols Co. took out extra concrete from East Bldg. lobby ac room freeing up extra space and creating better accessibility. (7) Sewer pipe and dry wall repairs were done in 105W. (8) Contract has been signed with Pyramid Aluminum for the new handrail on the clubhouse stairs. (9) Repair of several heat detectors and pull stations--Fire Marshall (10) Repaired an electrical outlet which the East Building irrigation system plugs into. (11) Completed and painted the roof downspout enclosures at both buildings.(12) Pipe breakage caused by the installation of the new sidewalks has been repaired. (13) New sod was installed along the sides of the new sidewalks. (14) New plants have been placed in front of the East and West Buildings. (14) A number of calls have been received about the laundry equipment in both buildings. This might be something we want to deal with in the near future. (15) Comments on the handout summarizing maintenance requests since Nov. 2009. There were more maintenance issues than could be handled with Jose 2 having to use his time dealing mainly with issues related to the Fire Marshall's report(s). Hopefully Jose 2 will be able to now handle more of the maintenance issues. (16) Steve is dealing with the window screen replacement issue. They (PGT) will be replacing all screens with new ones which are measured to fit and suitable for this environment. From the meeting with PGT, CPS and Crowe Industries, Drago elaborated on the screen replacement issue. (17) On inspecting the property, Steve feels that mulching the beds will help the outside appearance. (18) There is an on-going problem with improper storage under the stairwells with units 101W and 106W. There seems to be conflicting information as to what type of materials (if any) can be stored under the stairwells. Steve has been instructed to get in writing from the Fire Marshall what kinds of material can be stored under the stairs. (19) Steve has received quite a few calls this past winter concerning the laundry equipment problems in both buildings; this is something we will probably need to address soon.

Unfinished Business: (1) Curbing Installation at carports. Change in bid (G.A. Nichols Co.) The new bid is $7,300 and includes steel posts. Motion to accept bid made by D. Kahanu, seconded by B. Beck. Motion carried. (2) Pool heater. Attorney Rabin determined that first the Board is legally obligated to heat the spa with a repaired or new gas heater even though spa configuration codes are due to change in 2012, possibly rendering our present design as not meeting code. After receiving the cost information from the Board, residents can vote yes/no to heating the spa (75%). Also, after receiving information from the Board on gas versus geothermal heating, residents can then vote on whether or not to heat the pool (75%) and if "yes" by what method. (3) West Building Drainage. Motion was made by D. Kahanu to accept bid from G.A. Nichols for West Building Drainage system at $12,000, seconded by L. Bradlow, motion carried.

New Business: (1) Fire Alarm Repairs--already completed at $528.58. (2) Fire Pump Repairs. West Bldg. fire pump panels must either be repaired or replaced. This will have to be determined in the near future. (3) Reserve Study. It is now required by condominium law. Drago will check and see if it is budgeted for this year and if not it will be an item in the 2011 budget. (4) The handicapped ramp in front of the clubhouse is included in an upcoming concrete project. (5) Elevator Maintenance Service. Our routine service person with General Elevator is retiring and we had a new person. General Elevator hasn't been able to determine particular reasons for our many service calls to both buildings. We will have to "face up" to the inevitable which will be replacing two 35 year old elevators. (6) Mailbox Names. Do not serve their original purpose with the U.S. Mail. They use another system. Name plates are hard to maintain. Do we really need them? Many apartment buildings do not have name displays in their lobbies as a security measure. Motion to remove name plates made by D. Kahanu, seconded by L. Bradlow. Motion carried. (7) Clubhouse Stove. Attorney Rabin determined that taking it out is an "alteration" and cannot be done. We have to replace the one which we had removed and make it code compliant. We will have Steve get us a price on a code-compliant range hood. We can go to the residents for a yes/no vote if we feel that making the stove code-compliant is too costly.

Unit Owner Letters and Concerns: (1) Trespassers and what to do about them--gating the condominium, etc. (2) Location of the on/off valve for the car washing hose (3) Warning letter about a problem renter. Drago has sent a warning letter to the unit owner, the sheriff, the attorney, the renter and the leasing agent. (3) Carmen Walsh stated a problem with our not having enough bike spaces for all the people who want one. Many unit owners signed up for two spaces and don't have a bike yet. There are 23 empty spaces at present. We will figure out a method where people are notified they have so many days to have a bike in their space(s). If they do not have a bike in the specified time, they forfeit their space(s). Motion made by Drago to send a letter to all residents who have a bike space(s) and no bike that they have 60 days to have a bike in their space or indicate their intention to do so on their return to Island Towers. Motion seconded by B. Beck. Motion carried. (4) Doreen Carson asked that reflectors be installed on the posts being installed in the curbing project as well as on the support poles of the carports. Suggestion was taken under advisement. (5) Leon Bradlow brought up the problem of UPS and FedEx not being able to have access to the lobbies. Rather than giving out a code to unlock the lobby doors, it was suggested that we issue UPS and FedEx door keys which cannot be duplicated. Suggestion was taken under advisement. (6) John Richardson asked about contacting Reuben Clarson, marine engineer, for a five-year inspection of the sea wall at $1200. Drago and Steve clarified that the inspection and cost had been approved. John will make the contact. (7) John Richardson also inquired about requiring the bank who has the foreclosure for 402W to have insurance. Drago responded that everything that can be done legally is being done. There just isn't a lot that a condominium association can do in a foreclosure as we are so far down the list of creditors.

Adjournment: Motion made by D. Kahanu, seconded by L. Bradlow. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:00 PM.

Respectfully submitted,
Robert W. Beck, IT Association Secretary