The complete minutes will be published at The key items discussed are as follows (NOTE: President, Drago Kahanu; Property Manager, Steve Carpenter):
1. Installation of new 3" water main: Starts Monday, Aug. 3, 09. Steve will post notices in all the buildings Friday, Jul 31, 09.
2. The Wind Mitigation Survey: was completed last Wednesday, and will be posted at Both forms: MIT, for commercial insurance, and OIR, for personal insurance use will be available for downloading. The forms can also be secured by calling Client Services, Condominium Associates, at 727-573-9300.
3. Trash Chute, East Tower, closed next Wed.-Thur, Aug 5-6, 09: The trash chute will be closed while repairs are being made in the fire pump room for the East Tower.
4. Gemstone ready to repair the walk ways & stairwells: Steve is negotiating a start date. Gemstone wanted to start Monday, Aug 10, 09. Steve told them no and that they'd have to allow for a two week notice for all owner/residents. The start day will probably slip a week or two.
5. Meeting with Bob Beck and the lawn care company: Steve will meet with them tomorrow. They'll discuss improving the drainage on the the south side of the building, and current landscaping issues (i.e. areas where the landscaping is looking bare.).
6. 105W-Howard: sustained a leak that was the responsibility of the Association. The cost was $245.
7. Shuffleboard Court Restoration: Steve has gotten the final quotes in and the total cost of restoration is between $13,177 (pan roof) - $14,650 (insulated roof). I asked him to put the issue on the Agenda. I think we should take the issue to the membership to see if they actually want us to spend that kind of money to restore the shuffleboard area.
Friday, July 31, 2009
Meeting with John Richardson, Chairman Roof Com.
Key points are as follows:
1. Aug. 12, 09: he will meet with Southern Roofing and review the Punch List. This is the final check list, once all the work on the list is done, the job is done, and we'll make the final payments. However, there are still things on the list to complete.
2. Maintenance schedule for the next 3 years: John is working with Southern & KWA to formalize a maintenance protocol for the roof. He will be establishing a preventive maintenance (PM) schedule that we will need to add to the budget. Southern will also have annual PM requirements.
3. Lien by a sub-contractor: One of the subs has file notice on partial non-payment; however, it is a misunderstanding and a case of account receivables not knowing what their operations people have agreed to do. This sub did some damage to our paint job that will have to be repaired. The sub agreed to let Southern deduct the cost of repainting from their last invoice. Unfortunately, no one told the sub's accounting department. The matter is being cleared up.
1. Aug. 12, 09: he will meet with Southern Roofing and review the Punch List. This is the final check list, once all the work on the list is done, the job is done, and we'll make the final payments. However, there are still things on the list to complete.
2. Maintenance schedule for the next 3 years: John is working with Southern & KWA to formalize a maintenance protocol for the roof. He will be establishing a preventive maintenance (PM) schedule that we will need to add to the budget. Southern will also have annual PM requirements.
3. Lien by a sub-contractor: One of the subs has file notice on partial non-payment; however, it is a misunderstanding and a case of account receivables not knowing what their operations people have agreed to do. This sub did some damage to our paint job that will have to be repaired. The sub agreed to let Southern deduct the cost of repainting from their last invoice. Unfortunately, no one told the sub's accounting department. The matter is being cleared up.
Instalation of new 3" water main pipe line.
Allen Plumbing starts installing the new 3" water main pipeline on Monday, Aug. 3, 09. They are estimating 3 weeks to complete their portion of the job. Once they are done an asphalt & concrete contractor will repair the drive & walk ways. Repair of landscaping will be the final thing done. Total construction time will run 4-5 weeks. Total cost estimated at $38,000. (NOTE: The cost breaks down as follows: 3" pipe, $34,000; repair drive & walk ways, $3,000; and repair landscaping, $1,000. The project will be funded from the surplus left over from the building/carport renovation.) (NOTE: Left click on the pictures to see them at full screen size.)
Background: On Saturday, Dec. 13, 08 we discovered a leak on the main entrance island to ITC. As we tried to fix the problem it got progressively worst. Friend's Plumbing initially responded, but the job turned out to be too much for them. Allen Plumbing & a Dunedin Water Department Supervisor came in next. It took them until 4:00 AM, Sunday morning to get things under control. The problem was an extreme leak in the 3" water main pipe line that runs from the Dunedin City pipe to our buildings. The cracked pipe had to be cut out and replaced. That was when we discovered the REAL PROBLEM. Beside having a 4" long crack, the pipe was over 70% blocked by corrosion. According to Allen Plumbing, & the Dunedin Water Department Supervisor, the corroded condition runs through the entire line, and there were probably additional cracks elsewhere along the line. Both strongly advised that we replace the entire system as quickly as possible. The Dunedin Water Super. guesstimated that we had maybe 6 months left. (NOTE: There is a trough, in the grass, running parallel to the 3" water main line, which may indicates more cracks and leaks along the line.) It was decided to hold off the start of this project until the roof was completed. At the time we were expecting the roof project to be finished in May 09.
Friday, July 17, 2009
The Warranty Committe inspects the walkway test sample.
The walkway test sample, 8th floor, outside #801, East Tower. Terry will meet with Jeff (Sherwin Williams) tomorrow and review the results. Then the Warranty Committe will meet again and decide how to proceed with the rework. The picture of the Committee members, from left to right: Steve
, Terry, Raul & Ted. Jodie Cannon is also on the committee. (NOTE: To expand the pictures to full screen, move the cursor into the picture and left click. This will blow it up. Then use the arrow keys to adjust the picture to get the best view.)
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Warranty Meeting, Jul 15, 09
The purpose of this meeting was to formalize a protocol for warranty work request, both emergencies & non-emergencies. The starting points for the discussion were:
1. Frequency of non-emergency response.
2. How to identify & schedule specific maintenance requests.
3. How to insure that scheduled maintenance requests are completed.
4. How to notify the membership of specific completion.
5. Walkways/stairwells update.
6. John Richardson’s Inspection of the stairwells.
7. Results of first maintenance visit.
Anyone who wanted to add something to the discussion was invited to do so.
Present at meeting: Raul Cartagena, Terry Howard, Ted Graham, Steve Carpenter, Drago Kahanu. These individuals will operate as the Warranty Committee. Jodie Cannon will also be on the committee.
Discussed the following points:
1. Joan Parnell’s storage room: was suppose to change the door handle. They’ll change the door handle on the next visit.
2. Critique of the first few maintenance visit: Everyone agreed that things haven’t been going as well as they should. We need to have a better method of accountability to insure that the work is done. We need to be better organized. We need to schedule things in advance, and coordinate with all involved. Terry also felt that the walkways were distracting the warranty effort. He has meeting with Jeff tomorrow to see if the fix is working. Then we'll have another meeting of the Warranty Committee and schedule the actual fix.
3. Early Jun list:
a. 303E-Dean: damage to floor by the windows. They could not find the problem on the last visit. They’ll try again on the next visit.
b. 705W-Carmen: kitchen window can’t be opened easily, and a screen is missing in living room. They’ll recheck the kitchen windows on the next visit, and install a new screen in the living room.
c. 605E-: screen door didn’t shut all the way. Can’t tell if this was done. They’ll check it again on the next visit.
d. 503E-Panrell: wants the door hinge replaced. She was advised that it wasn’t part of the contract. And she’ll have to purchase/install the hinges on her own. One storage door handle needs to be replaced. The thresh hold plate needs a narrower strip. See if one can be found. The strip will have to be much narrower than the standard strips.
4. Jun 18, 09 list:
a. Cord left on roof of east tower: Raul missed it. It’ll be removed on the next visit.
b. 601E-: floor damage by small screw holes need to be re-grouted. Window stops were damaged and should be replaced. Front door weather strip on bottom of the door, needs to be replaced. All this work will be scheduled for the next visit.
c. 104W-McKenzie: leak around the slider. They came in and fixed the leak but didn’t re-caulk around the door. They’ll finish on the next visit.
d. 306W-: Needs new screen. It will be installed during the next visit.
5. Jul 9, 09: inspected the latest list of warranty requests:
a. Water blisters: were inspected and Terry felt that the blister were caused by cracks in the caulking around the drainage trough on the floor above.
b. Paint & concrete exfoliating on the north wall of the clubhouse: problem was confirmed and the damage are will be scheduled for repair on the next visit.
c. 301W-: window over sink doesn’t open. The repairs will be scheduled.
d. Set a standard on how tight the window should be to prevent water intrusion: a balance will have to be establish between how easily the window opens, and how tight it needs to be to prevent water intrusion. We should establish an agreed upon standard and train Steve, and a few others, on how to recognize the standard. They can inspect the complaint and determine if it is valid. If it is, Steve will notify Raul and he’ll schedule the repairs.
6. Raul is overall manager for all warranty issues. He is the point man. Steve will send all correspondence to Raul, and he will schedule everything. All communications will be done by email. Raul gave us copies of the form he will use to manage warranty requests. We all agreed that we will call it the “Warranty Repair List”. All request will be posted to the list and when the work is completed the unit owner, or designated representative will sign off that the work was done. This should give us the control that is currently lacking.
7. Stairwell Maintenance: Historical perspective. The contract was for cleanup of the stairwell, not replacement. Everyone understood that the stairs would start rusting again. The stairs would be maintained by establishing a preventive maintenance program. The contractor did quote on an option to replace the stairs, but it was ruled out as being too expensive. Ted thought that replacing the stairwell was around $300,000. The previous Board felt it was too much, and went with the cleanup instead. The maintenance of the stairs can be done by someone with Jose #2’s skills. However, a handy who did the process wrong could accelerate the rusting. I asked Terry to quote on an annual preventive maintenance contract for maintaining the stairs. Terry said he’d get us a quote; however, he reminded us that eventually the stairs must be replaced.
1. Frequency of non-emergency response.
2. How to identify & schedule specific maintenance requests.
3. How to insure that scheduled maintenance requests are completed.
4. How to notify the membership of specific completion.
5. Walkways/stairwells update.
6. John Richardson’s Inspection of the stairwells.
7. Results of first maintenance visit.
Anyone who wanted to add something to the discussion was invited to do so.
Present at meeting: Raul Cartagena, Terry Howard, Ted Graham, Steve Carpenter, Drago Kahanu. These individuals will operate as the Warranty Committee. Jodie Cannon will also be on the committee.
Discussed the following points:
1. Joan Parnell’s storage room: was suppose to change the door handle. They’ll change the door handle on the next visit.
2. Critique of the first few maintenance visit: Everyone agreed that things haven’t been going as well as they should. We need to have a better method of accountability to insure that the work is done. We need to be better organized. We need to schedule things in advance, and coordinate with all involved. Terry also felt that the walkways were distracting the warranty effort. He has meeting with Jeff tomorrow to see if the fix is working. Then we'll have another meeting of the Warranty Committee and schedule the actual fix.
3. Early Jun list:
a. 303E-Dean: damage to floor by the windows. They could not find the problem on the last visit. They’ll try again on the next visit.
b. 705W-Carmen: kitchen window can’t be opened easily, and a screen is missing in living room. They’ll recheck the kitchen windows on the next visit, and install a new screen in the living room.
c. 605E-: screen door didn’t shut all the way. Can’t tell if this was done. They’ll check it again on the next visit.
d. 503E-Panrell: wants the door hinge replaced. She was advised that it wasn’t part of the contract. And she’ll have to purchase/install the hinges on her own. One storage door handle needs to be replaced. The thresh hold plate needs a narrower strip. See if one can be found. The strip will have to be much narrower than the standard strips.
4. Jun 18, 09 list:
a. Cord left on roof of east tower: Raul missed it. It’ll be removed on the next visit.
b. 601E-: floor damage by small screw holes need to be re-grouted. Window stops were damaged and should be replaced. Front door weather strip on bottom of the door, needs to be replaced. All this work will be scheduled for the next visit.
c. 104W-McKenzie: leak around the slider. They came in and fixed the leak but didn’t re-caulk around the door. They’ll finish on the next visit.
d. 306W-: Needs new screen. It will be installed during the next visit.
5. Jul 9, 09: inspected the latest list of warranty requests:
a. Water blisters: were inspected and Terry felt that the blister were caused by cracks in the caulking around the drainage trough on the floor above.
b. Paint & concrete exfoliating on the north wall of the clubhouse: problem was confirmed and the damage are will be scheduled for repair on the next visit.
c. 301W-: window over sink doesn’t open. The repairs will be scheduled.
d. Set a standard on how tight the window should be to prevent water intrusion: a balance will have to be establish between how easily the window opens, and how tight it needs to be to prevent water intrusion. We should establish an agreed upon standard and train Steve, and a few others, on how to recognize the standard. They can inspect the complaint and determine if it is valid. If it is, Steve will notify Raul and he’ll schedule the repairs.
6. Raul is overall manager for all warranty issues. He is the point man. Steve will send all correspondence to Raul, and he will schedule everything. All communications will be done by email. Raul gave us copies of the form he will use to manage warranty requests. We all agreed that we will call it the “Warranty Repair List”. All request will be posted to the list and when the work is completed the unit owner, or designated representative will sign off that the work was done. This should give us the control that is currently lacking.
7. Stairwell Maintenance: Historical perspective. The contract was for cleanup of the stairwell, not replacement. Everyone understood that the stairs would start rusting again. The stairs would be maintained by establishing a preventive maintenance program. The contractor did quote on an option to replace the stairs, but it was ruled out as being too expensive. Ted thought that replacing the stairwell was around $300,000. The previous Board felt it was too much, and went with the cleanup instead. The maintenance of the stairs can be done by someone with Jose #2’s skills. However, a handy who did the process wrong could accelerate the rusting. I asked Terry to quote on an annual preventive maintenance contract for maintaining the stairs. Terry said he’d get us a quote; however, he reminded us that eventually the stairs must be replaced.
President/Property Mgr's Meeting, Jul 15, 09
Discussed the following issues:
1. 2008 Changes to 718, especially changes regarding insurance requirements: Effective in 2009, all owners are required purchase homeowner insurance, and name the Association as co-insured. Each owner must provide the Association with proof of insurance. Condominium Associates (CA) sent out a Notification of Insurance letter, with last year’s Budget, They will send out the another letter with the 2010 Budget. There is an enforcement clause that says if an owner does not provide proof of insurance the Association should purchase the insurance and charge the cost back to the delinquent owner. Steve recommended that we confirm this with the attorney before taking any kind of action.
2. Protocol for new owners/renters:
a. Review the interview packet & update: Add Insurance form and the new state form on owner/association responsibilities..
b. Protocol for conducting new owner/renter interviews:
1) The prospective new owner/renter (NO/R), or their representative, contacts CA, and requests an interview packet. CA provides them with the interview packet.
2) The NO/R fills out packet, writes required checks and sends the packet/checks back to CA.
3) CA logs it in interview packet, initiates the background check (BC), and sends packet to the designated representative of the Association responsible for conducting the interview. (NOTE: The primary representative is Carmen Walsh. Her backup is Bob Beck.) Carmen then schedules the interview. (NOTE: The BC takes less than one day, and the result will be provided to Carmen before the interview is conducted.)
4) Carmen conducts the interview, clearing up any issues from the BC, and reviewing the packet with the NO/R. Once interview is completed, she informs the NO/R if they are approved, schedules a move in date, and files the packet. Then Carmen notifies CA, the BOD’s, Joan Panrell (phone & entry security lists), and Dorothy Kahanu (mail box tag & bike room waiting list), that the NO/R has been accepted. (NOTE: For new owners Carmen will send a copy of the voting certificate to CA.)
5) Once notified the President will send out welcome email or letter. Joan Panrell will amend the phone list and the entry code list. Dorothy Kahanu will post the new mail tag. (NOTE: For new owners, Dorothy will remove the previous owner from the bike room. And put the new owner on the bike waiting list.)
3. Agenda for Jul 28, 09 Board Meeting: Steve wants me to complete the Agenda for the meeting.
4. Entry code phone problem: Joan Panrell offered to reprogram all the security codes so that the defective keys aren’t used. Steve declined the offer. He felt we shouldn’t put Joan through that work when we will be replacing system as quickly as possible.
5. Notice-Cleaning of Patios, Jul 21, 22,09: will be posted today.
6. Bay area Sandblasting: will begin cleaning the sidewalks, curbs & patios on Monday. The work should take the rest of the week.
7. Lights in Pool: Rick’s Pool Service advised Steve that only one of the lights could be fixed. The other two lights need new cords, fixtures and light bulbs. Rick’s Service quoted $736.32, on Jul 13, 09. This will be added to Agenda for a vote.
8. 105W-Howard: The owner’s insurance company wants an elevation certificate. Steve told her that there wasn’t one. I told him to double check with our insurance broker & Joan Panrell.
9. Maintenance request:
a. Pool signs: CA has a standard “Dawn to Dusk” sign that he’ll get posted around the pool. That will cover us for any liability if someone attempts to swim in the pool after dark and is injured. We should still probably consider calling the sheriff.
b. Clubhouse security light, north-east side: the motion sensor isn’t working and will have to be replaced.
10. Posting the Board Package to the website: The Board Package is the a collection of documents that CA provides to every Director before each monthly meeting. It contains the agenda, and all the important documents accumulated since the last meeting. CA is ready to post the package on the website; however, they are concerned about information privacy. CA’s management would like me to check on potential privacy issues and associated liability implications. I agreed to ask our attorney for an opinion.
11. Door Entry system, Replace the entire system: Accurate Electronics (727-533-0295): quoted $1,954, on 7/7/09, for a new entry phone for the East Tower. Also, we should review system styles, such as receiver less systems. This issue will be place on the Agenda for a vote.
12. Protocol for acknowledgement of maintenance request: Told Steve to send acknowledgements to all Board Members.
13. 105WR-McKenzie: The warranty maintenance request was for leaks around the sliding glass door. Leak was fixed but the door wasn’t re-caulked. The contractor said it wasn’t his responsibility. Steve will contact Terry and get the job finished.
14. Warranty maintenance request: Steve doesn’t think they’re being handled properly. I told him that we should address all his concerns at the warranty meeting.
End of meeting.
1. 2008 Changes to 718, especially changes regarding insurance requirements: Effective in 2009, all owners are required purchase homeowner insurance, and name the Association as co-insured. Each owner must provide the Association with proof of insurance. Condominium Associates (CA) sent out a Notification of Insurance letter, with last year’s Budget, They will send out the another letter with the 2010 Budget. There is an enforcement clause that says if an owner does not provide proof of insurance the Association should purchase the insurance and charge the cost back to the delinquent owner. Steve recommended that we confirm this with the attorney before taking any kind of action.
2. Protocol for new owners/renters:
a. Review the interview packet & update: Add Insurance form and the new state form on owner/association responsibilities..
b. Protocol for conducting new owner/renter interviews:
1) The prospective new owner/renter (NO/R), or their representative, contacts CA, and requests an interview packet. CA provides them with the interview packet.
2) The NO/R fills out packet, writes required checks and sends the packet/checks back to CA.
3) CA logs it in interview packet, initiates the background check (BC), and sends packet to the designated representative of the Association responsible for conducting the interview. (NOTE: The primary representative is Carmen Walsh. Her backup is Bob Beck.) Carmen then schedules the interview. (NOTE: The BC takes less than one day, and the result will be provided to Carmen before the interview is conducted.)
4) Carmen conducts the interview, clearing up any issues from the BC, and reviewing the packet with the NO/R. Once interview is completed, she informs the NO/R if they are approved, schedules a move in date, and files the packet. Then Carmen notifies CA, the BOD’s, Joan Panrell (phone & entry security lists), and Dorothy Kahanu (mail box tag & bike room waiting list), that the NO/R has been accepted. (NOTE: For new owners Carmen will send a copy of the voting certificate to CA.)
5) Once notified the President will send out welcome email or letter. Joan Panrell will amend the phone list and the entry code list. Dorothy Kahanu will post the new mail tag. (NOTE: For new owners, Dorothy will remove the previous owner from the bike room. And put the new owner on the bike waiting list.)
3. Agenda for Jul 28, 09 Board Meeting: Steve wants me to complete the Agenda for the meeting.
4. Entry code phone problem: Joan Panrell offered to reprogram all the security codes so that the defective keys aren’t used. Steve declined the offer. He felt we shouldn’t put Joan through that work when we will be replacing system as quickly as possible.
5. Notice-Cleaning of Patios, Jul 21, 22,09: will be posted today.
6. Bay area Sandblasting: will begin cleaning the sidewalks, curbs & patios on Monday. The work should take the rest of the week.
7. Lights in Pool: Rick’s Pool Service advised Steve that only one of the lights could be fixed. The other two lights need new cords, fixtures and light bulbs. Rick’s Service quoted $736.32, on Jul 13, 09. This will be added to Agenda for a vote.
8. 105W-Howard: The owner’s insurance company wants an elevation certificate. Steve told her that there wasn’t one. I told him to double check with our insurance broker & Joan Panrell.
9. Maintenance request:
a. Pool signs: CA has a standard “Dawn to Dusk” sign that he’ll get posted around the pool. That will cover us for any liability if someone attempts to swim in the pool after dark and is injured. We should still probably consider calling the sheriff.
b. Clubhouse security light, north-east side: the motion sensor isn’t working and will have to be replaced.
10. Posting the Board Package to the website: The Board Package is the a collection of documents that CA provides to every Director before each monthly meeting. It contains the agenda, and all the important documents accumulated since the last meeting. CA is ready to post the package on the website; however, they are concerned about information privacy. CA’s management would like me to check on potential privacy issues and associated liability implications. I agreed to ask our attorney for an opinion.
11. Door Entry system, Replace the entire system: Accurate Electronics (727-533-0295): quoted $1,954, on 7/7/09, for a new entry phone for the East Tower. Also, we should review system styles, such as receiver less systems. This issue will be place on the Agenda for a vote.
12. Protocol for acknowledgement of maintenance request: Told Steve to send acknowledgements to all Board Members.
13. 105WR-McKenzie: The warranty maintenance request was for leaks around the sliding glass door. Leak was fixed but the door wasn’t re-caulked. The contractor said it wasn’t his responsibility. Steve will contact Terry and get the job finished.
14. Warranty maintenance request: Steve doesn’t think they’re being handled properly. I told him that we should address all his concerns at the warranty meeting.
End of meeting.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Redfish being herded by dolphin.
Three dolphin working as a team herded 50 plus red fish up against our seawall, and had them for lunch. Fortunately for the red fish, once the dolphin had eaten their fill, they left the rest to live another day. My best guess is that the red fish school averaged about 2' +/-. It's always better to be at the top of the food chain.
(NOTE: The pictures were taken from our balcony.)
Friday, July 10, 2009
Warranty maintenance issues.
Listed below are the areas that have been identified with problems:
1. Windows that are hard to impossible to open.
2. Paint blister/water blisters.
3. Walkways/stairwells, poor cosmetic appearance.
If you have identified a problem please go to, and fill out a maintenance request. You can also notify them in writing (work request are available in office), or by phone call to Client Services (727-573-9300). However the best way is to go to the website, and fill out a maintenance request. If you don't have a computer find someone who does, and have them fill out a maintenance request for you.
A meeting will be held to formalize a protocol to process warranty maintenance isssues.
1. Windows that are hard to impossible to open.
2. Paint blister/water blisters.
3. Walkways/stairwells, poor cosmetic appearance.
If you have identified a problem please go to, and fill out a maintenance request. You can also notify them in writing (work request are available in office), or by phone call to Client Services (727-573-9300). However the best way is to go to the website, and fill out a maintenance request. If you don't have a computer find someone who does, and have them fill out a maintenance request for you.
A meeting will be held to formalize a protocol to process warranty maintenance isssues.
warranty work
Storage Room Problem
Owners/Renters are leaving items outside their individual storage lockers. This is a potential fire hazard problem. Steve has posted notices, in all the storage room areas, that all loose item must be moved to individual storage lockers. Steve will also send this notice to all addresses of record for owners. At the end of the designated cut off date, any items found unsecured will be thrown out.
President/Property Mgr's Meeting
The following is list of key issues discussed at the Jul 8th meeting (NOTE: I am attempting to get the complete summary posted at
1. Clubhouse A/C not running properly: Steve scheduled Hale A/C to come in and do service.
2. Allen Plumbing/3" water main replacement: 2d revision of contract has been submitted to Allen for approval. Soon as we have a final contract, the project will be scheduled to start as soon as possible.
3. Storage Room Problem: some owner/residents have left items outside their allotted storage areas. This is a fire hazard and all items must be removed. Steve has posted notices to that effect in all storage room. He will also send out letters to all owners and renters. After a designated waiting period, any item still not in the individual storage lockers will be thrown out.
4. The following contracts have been signed and awarded:
a. Bay area Sandblasting & Painting, $4,100: to clean first floor sidewalks, curbs, and patios. Work will start after the roofing project is completed.
b. Bay Window Cleaning, $3,360: to clean the outside surfaces of windows/sliding glass doors & dry brush screens. (NOTE: screens can be removed from the outside so there shouldn't be any reason for the contractor to enter units.) Work to start when roof project is done.
c. Piper Fire, $3.600: to replace rusting water pipe in fire pump room. Work will start as soon as possible.
d. Felten Professional Adjustment Team LLC., for $650: to perform wind mitigation survey and provide us with forms MIT (for commercial usage) and OIR (for personnel usage). Survey to commence as soon as possible.
5. Wind mitigation survey: I had initially planned to have the project engineer do the survey at a significantly lower price. However, as we got into it further I quickly realized that other considerations made it more appropriate to have a professional company, knowledgeable with insurance requirements, handle the survey. I notified our insurance broker, BB&T (Jeff Busch), and he arranged to have Felten Prof. Adjustment Team, LLC. conduct the survey. (NOTE: When I had initially informed Jeff of my intent to use the project engineer, he tried to convince me not to do it. As it turned out, he was right and I was wrong.)
6. Restoration of shuffle board area, estimated at $10,000-15,000: this project is turning out to be extremely expensive. The lighting quote is $4,500, and the roof will cost even more. Steve is estimating that by the time all the quotes are in this restoration project will cost between $10-15,000. We will add this on the agenda to discuss a putting this project to a vote of the membership.
7. Pool security lights: the work was completed last week. We now have motion sensitive lights in the pool area.
8. Warranty Protocol Meeting: we will set up a meeting to formalize the protocol for handling maintenance request that pertain to the warranties covering the renovation projects.
1. Clubhouse A/C not running properly: Steve scheduled Hale A/C to come in and do service.
2. Allen Plumbing/3" water main replacement: 2d revision of contract has been submitted to Allen for approval. Soon as we have a final contract, the project will be scheduled to start as soon as possible.
3. Storage Room Problem: some owner/residents have left items outside their allotted storage areas. This is a fire hazard and all items must be removed. Steve has posted notices to that effect in all storage room. He will also send out letters to all owners and renters. After a designated waiting period, any item still not in the individual storage lockers will be thrown out.
4. The following contracts have been signed and awarded:
a. Bay area Sandblasting & Painting, $4,100: to clean first floor sidewalks, curbs, and patios. Work will start after the roofing project is completed.
b. Bay Window Cleaning, $3,360: to clean the outside surfaces of windows/sliding glass doors & dry brush screens. (NOTE: screens can be removed from the outside so there shouldn't be any reason for the contractor to enter units.) Work to start when roof project is done.
c. Piper Fire, $3.600: to replace rusting water pipe in fire pump room. Work will start as soon as possible.
d. Felten Professional Adjustment Team LLC., for $650: to perform wind mitigation survey and provide us with forms MIT (for commercial usage) and OIR (for personnel usage). Survey to commence as soon as possible.
5. Wind mitigation survey: I had initially planned to have the project engineer do the survey at a significantly lower price. However, as we got into it further I quickly realized that other considerations made it more appropriate to have a professional company, knowledgeable with insurance requirements, handle the survey. I notified our insurance broker, BB&T (Jeff Busch), and he arranged to have Felten Prof. Adjustment Team, LLC. conduct the survey. (NOTE: When I had initially informed Jeff of my intent to use the project engineer, he tried to convince me not to do it. As it turned out, he was right and I was wrong.)
6. Restoration of shuffle board area, estimated at $10,000-15,000: this project is turning out to be extremely expensive. The lighting quote is $4,500, and the roof will cost even more. Steve is estimating that by the time all the quotes are in this restoration project will cost between $10-15,000. We will add this on the agenda to discuss a putting this project to a vote of the membership.
7. Pool security lights: the work was completed last week. We now have motion sensitive lights in the pool area.
8. Warranty Protocol Meeting: we will set up a meeting to formalize the protocol for handling maintenance request that pertain to the warranties covering the renovation projects.
Maint. Problem: Entry Phone East Tower
The East Tower entry phone has not been working properly. The service company advises that the problem is a worn out key pad. Unfortunately, our entry phone equipment is now obsolete, and no repair parts are available. Steve is getting quotes for a new entry phone system, but it will take some time (how much time is still unknown).
The service company says the key pad still works but we have to press the number "2" key real hard.
The service company says the key pad still works but we have to press the number "2" key real hard.
maint. prob.
Saturday, July 4, 2009
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