Friday, July 10, 2009

President/Property Mgr's Meeting

The following is list of key issues discussed at the Jul 8th meeting (NOTE: I am attempting to get the complete summary posted at
1. Clubhouse A/C not running properly: Steve scheduled Hale A/C to come in and do service.
2. Allen Plumbing/3" water main replacement: 2d revision of contract has been submitted to Allen for approval. Soon as we have a final contract, the project will be scheduled to start as soon as possible.
3. Storage Room Problem: some owner/residents have left items outside their allotted storage areas. This is a fire hazard and all items must be removed. Steve has posted notices to that effect in all storage room. He will also send out letters to all owners and renters. After a designated waiting period, any item still not in the individual storage lockers will be thrown out.
4. The following contracts have been signed and awarded:
a. Bay area Sandblasting & Painting, $4,100: to clean first floor sidewalks, curbs, and patios. Work will start after the roofing project is completed.
b. Bay Window Cleaning, $3,360: to clean the outside surfaces of windows/sliding glass doors & dry brush screens. (NOTE: screens can be removed from the outside so there shouldn't be any reason for the contractor to enter units.) Work to start when roof project is done.
c. Piper Fire, $3.600: to replace rusting water pipe in fire pump room. Work will start as soon as possible.
d. Felten Professional Adjustment Team LLC., for $650: to perform wind mitigation survey and provide us with forms MIT (for commercial usage) and OIR (for personnel usage). Survey to commence as soon as possible.
5. Wind mitigation survey: I had initially planned to have the project engineer do the survey at a significantly lower price. However, as we got into it further I quickly realized that other considerations made it more appropriate to have a professional company, knowledgeable with insurance requirements, handle the survey. I notified our insurance broker, BB&T (Jeff Busch), and he arranged to have Felten Prof. Adjustment Team, LLC. conduct the survey. (NOTE: When I had initially informed Jeff of my intent to use the project engineer, he tried to convince me not to do it. As it turned out, he was right and I was wrong.)
6. Restoration of shuffle board area, estimated at $10,000-15,000: this project is turning out to be extremely expensive. The lighting quote is $4,500, and the roof will cost even more. Steve is estimating that by the time all the quotes are in this restoration project will cost between $10-15,000. We will add this on the agenda to discuss a putting this project to a vote of the membership.
7. Pool security lights: the work was completed last week. We now have motion sensitive lights in the pool area.
8. Warranty Protocol Meeting: we will set up a meeting to formalize the protocol for handling maintenance request that pertain to the warranties covering the renovation projects.

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