Sunday, January 31, 2010

President/Property Mgr's Meeting, Jan 29, 10

Discussed the following items:

1. Weekly checks: Kate will handle getting the checks signed. She’ll call to set up appointment.

2. 603W- Refrigerator Issue: Steve will send the owners a final disposition letter when he returns from vacation. The final determination was that the refrigerator failed on its own.

3. Warranty Work on certain Balconies: Signed contract for security personnel to accompany the workers into the units. Steve has posted notices of the work schedule, and sent letters to the owners of the balconies that will be reworked. The work will be done the weeks of Feb 15, & Feb 25, 10, and will run Monday through Thursday each week.

4. Baseboard repairs: Blue Chip has gotten request from 8 unit owners to repair their baseboard of the interior wall of the front door. The work will be done during the same period as the warranty work on the balconies. Blue Chip will coordinate with the individual owners.

5. Jose-2’s raise: Advised Steve that the Board voted unanimously to increase his rate to $12.00/hour.

6. Sidewalk & curbs around carport: All Phase quoted $26,671. This is higher than the other quote we received.

7. Bar Cabinet: Steve notified Blue Chip that he would be awarded the contract to replace the bar cabinet. Steve wants a meeting with Blue Chip on Wednesday, Feb 10, 10, to finalize what will be done.

8. Time clock: Still looking for a time clock under $200.

9. 305W-Leak behind shower wall: The leak was in the pipes behind the shower wall. The water drained onto the ceiling of the unit below, and destroyed the bathroom ceiling in 205W. Per Steve, in accordance with our documents, the Association is responsible for repairing any damage to exterior walls. We are required to restore the exterior wall out to the sheet rock. Anything beyond that is the responsibility of the unit owner. The owner of 305W will be charged for all the cost of repairs.

10. American Express card: The association received an application for the American Express card. I told Steve to go ahead and apply for the card, because I thought it would be more convenient than have multiple cards. We have it on the agenda for the February Board Meeting

11. Water level in the pool: Rick’s Pool Service had been lowering the pool water level in order to replace a portion of pipe that is leaking.

12. Lock for Clubhouse TV: told him to get a lock for the clubhouse TV. Also, to contact Blue Chip and see if they can suggest an additional kind of locking frame for the TV.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

False Alarm - No leak in the pool.

Rick's pool service just informed us that they have purposely lowered the water level in the pool in order to fix a pipe leak. So as Paul Harvey always says, "now you know the rest of the story."

Leak in water pipe to pool.

I talked with Steve just now and let him know that the level of the pool was down significantly. He said that the night of the board meeting the pool was overflowing and he turned off the water. For the water level to decline that much in a day and a half means there is a serious leak somewhere in the system. He will focus on that immediately, and will probably need to call a company that surveys for leaks. He also stated that the Dunedin Water Department informed him that we are losing 50 – 100 gallons per hour at night (this is from new metering system used by the DWD).

Friday, January 22, 2010

Attached are pictures of the south west window screen in the kitchen of 501W (my unit). At the time the southern kitchen windows were open about3”, when a storm came hit. I went over to close the window, and noticed that the screen had come loose as seen in the pictures. You should check your screen to insure that they are properly secured. Check the screens as follows:
1. Check the top of the screen and make sure that the top is seated in the front top channel of the window frame.
2. Check to make sure the bottom of the screen is pulled to the inside of the bottom lip (about 1/16") of the window frame.
3. Check to make sure that the entire frame seats evenly in the window frame and that there are no gaps. If there is a gap the window screen may be defective, not seated properly in the window frame, or the wrong screen size for the window.

If you think your window screen is defective, contact Client Services, 727.573.9300, or go to and file a maintenance request.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Discussed the following:

1. Signed checks: Jan 15, 09. Master= $4,157.17; East=0; West=$417.00

2. Jan 25, 10, 9:30 AM, Meeting at CA: Purpose to introduce the new Treasurer to Lisa, and to review the consolidation of accounts.

3. Bolts for Elevator:

4. Carmen Walsh: Is willing to stay on and continue to do interviews and laundry room.

5. Ping Pong Paddles: stolen and Bev bought new ones.

6. Leak at the pool: Steve called Rick’s Pool first and they said it wasn’t a leak in the pool pipes. Then Steve called the irrigation company and they concluded that it wasn’t in the irrigation Pipes. Finally, Steve called Friends plumbing. They determined it was a leak in the pool pipe. Steve had them go ahead and fix it. The cost was $550. Friends repaired one line but two were leaking and Steve is going to have the Rick come out and fix the other line. Told Steve that Rick’s behavior was unsatisfactory. Steve reminded me that he got other people to quote on doing the pool service, but they were much more expensive. Jose-1 stayed extra time on the job to help Steve solve the problem. Steve asked to pay him for the extra time. I said go ahead.

7. Steve’s Vacation: will be off from Saturday, Jan 31, 10, through Sunday, Feb 7, 10.

8. Steve posted a notice that we’ll reconvene the General Membership Meeting on Tuesday, Jan 26, 10, at 6:00 PM. Thanks to Mea we got four more proxies and have a quorum.

9. Screen replacement and repairs: We need to establish a contingency plan on how to handle windows that blow out. Told Steve that I’ll kick things off with an email to Jodie, Raul Cartegena, Terry Howard, and Ted Graham.

10. Security for Balcony repairs: Steve has lined up a security company to handle the job for $13.50/hour. The need security to work 8 hours per day for 2 -3 weeks. How Gemstone needs proceed will determine what sort of security we will need.

11. Complaints about inappropriate signs in the lobbies: Told Steve to review by laws and Rule/Regulations to see what is allowable. Steve reviewed the Rules and said that almost all the notices will have to be removed and reposted in the clubhouse bulletin board.

12. Walkway curb: Steve met with All Phase Paving looked at the first floor walkway and the curbing. Steve was told that if we just put in curbing there will be no place for the water to go once it accumulates in the walkway. They want to do some further research before making a recommendation.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Water Condensation.

From time to time, residents will encounter varying degrees of water on their windows (see attached windows). This condition is the result of water condensation on the inside of the window. Here are some key Q & A's on this issue:

1. WHAT IS THIS WATER ON MY WINDOWS? Water on windows is condensation. Condensation is formed when warm moist air comes in contact with cooler dryer air, similar to to way a bathroom mirror steams up after a hot shower. The inside or outside of your window can sweat or fog because of temperature differential from the outside and inside of your condo.
2. ARE MY WINDOWS TO BLAME? Windows are not the cause of condensation. Glass is usually the place you first notice it because the glass surfaces have the lowest temperature of any interior surface in the house.
3. WHAT IS THE CAUSE OF WATER BUILD UP ON MY WINDOWS? Moisture in the air causes condensation. The reason you see more condensation is because the new windows and building renovations have created an almost air tight environment in your condo. The repairs/renovations were designed to keep the cold air/water out of the building. This is especially true of your new windows. However, this also keeps the warm moist air inside. This results in condensation during periods of extreme temperature variation between the outside and the inside of your condo.
3. I NEVER HAD THIS PROBLEM BEFORE THE RENOVATION AND INSTALLATION OF NEW WINDOWS? Before the renovation and new windows were installed, the building had been allowed to deteriorate. Wind and water intrusion was a common problem. That drafty condition also reduced the temperature variation between the outside and inside of the your condo. This reduced or eliminate the opportunity for condensation.
4. HOW CAN CONDENSATION BE REDUCED? The key lies in controlling the level of humidity inside your home. Here are some recommended things you can do to reduce humidity in your condo:
a. Open a window: this will allow cold dryer air to enter while allowing the moist air to escape.
b. Use a dehumidifier: having a dehumidifier running on a regular basis will reduce the humidity significantly.
c. Use a chemical dehumidifier: Most home improvement store carry a product that has a bag of beads that will chemical remove moisture from the air. They are great for closets.
5. WHAT CAUSES THE HUMIDITY? The most common causes are:
a. Moisture accumulation: During the fall all the window are open and the moist air comes in the dryer material start to absorb moisture.
b. Bathrooms & showers:The hot water is a common source of moisture.
c. Kitchen appliances: Using the dishwasher, and cooking on the stove.
d. Washing Machine & Dryers: Especially when the dryer vent doesn't vent to the outside of building. All the moisture being drawn out from the dryer stays in the condo.

Hopefully, this provides you with some basic understanding of the causes and possible solutions to water condensation in your condo. If you have any further questions, please call Steve Carpenter, at 727-573-9300.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Agenda for Board Meeting, Jan 26, 10, 6:00 PM

YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that a Board of Directors Meeting of the Island Towers Association, Inc. will be held at the following date, time, and place:
Date: January 26. 2010
Time: 6:00 P. M.
Place: Island Towers Clubhouse 250 Woodette Drive
Dunedin, FL 34698


I. Establish a Quorum/Roll Call.
2. Call to Order.
3. Approval of the November 24, 2009 meeting minutes.
4. Financial Report.
5. Property Management's Report.
6. Unfinished Business:
• Curbing installation.
• Sidewalk repair near seawall.
• Pool fence.
• Downspout box proposal.
• Concrete curbs for walkways.
• Pool heaters
• Canoe / kayak rack.
• Bar cabinet.
• Pool deck sealing.
• Cover for water pipes.
7. New Business:
• Flood insurance renewal.
• Damage claim unit # 603W.
• Jose's salary review.
• Vehicle parking.
• Purchase of T. V. for clubhouse.
8. Unit owner letters and concerns.
9. Adjournment.

The 2010 Board of Directors

The 2010 Board of Directors met on Tuesday, Jan 14, 10, at 6:45 PM, to get organized. Listed below is are the names and positions of all the Board Members:
1. Drago Kahanu, President.
2. Dick Muny, Vice President.
3. Joe Metelski, Treasurer.
4. Bob Beck, Secretary.
5. Leon Bradlow, Director.
6. Bob Klamo, Director.
7. Millie Kelly, Director.

The first meeting of the 2010 Board of Directors was scheduled for Tuesday, Jan 26, 10, at 6:00 PM.

Jan 14, 2010 Annual Membership Meeting, 6:00 PM

Agenda as follows

1. Call to order by president. The meeting was called to order at 6:04 PM. Board members present were Kahanu, Klamo, and Kellie.
2. Proof of notice of the meeting.
3. Call for proxies.
4. Determination of a quorum. Steve advised the Board that we only had 41 proxies, this was 3 short of a quorum.
5. Open the meeting. Because a quorum had not been established, the meeting was recessed to Tuesday, Jan 26, 10, at 6:00 PM.
6. Disposal of unapproved past meeting minutes.
7. Election of new directors. No election required.
8. Unfinished business.
9. New business.
a. Vote to five Board authority to use reserve funds for emergencies and insurance. Recessed to Jan 26, 10.
b. Warranty Issue – Walkways & Balconies: Jim Vanhof, GemStone Concrete Coatings, Inc. (800.969.1998). Jodie & Steve have a list of balconies that need work. Work on sidewalks was completed except for touch up work. Will post the list of balconies. Will take 5-6 trips to the balconies in order to do the work.
c. Warranty Issue – Blown out Window Screens
10. Announcement of new Board of Directors. The new Board of Directors was announced. They are as follows: Dick Muny, Joe Metelski, Leon Bradlow, Bob Beck, Bob Klamo, Millie Kellie, and Drago Kahanu.
11. Adjournment. The meeting was adjourned at 6:41 PM.

A quorum of Association Members must be present, in or by proxy, at them meeting in order for the business of the Association to conducted. It is therefore VERY IMPORTANT that you either attend the meeting of provide a limited prox in order for the Association to conduct business other than the election of the Directors. Since the number of candidates running for the Board of Dircetors is equal to or less than the positions available, ther is nop need for an election at the Annual Meeting.

The ne Board of Directors will be announced at the meeting. The Organizational Meeting for the new Board will be held immediately following the Annual Meeting.

Leak in water pipe to pool.

There is a leak in one of the pipes to the pool. The crack is located at the NE corner of the clubhouse. Steve advised me that repairs are already scheduled for Monday Morning.