Friday, October 15, 2010

Fence Permitting Review with Rick Johnson, Oct 5, 10, 11:00 AM

On Tuesday Oct 5, 10, at 11:00 AM, I met with Rick Johnson, Director of Permitting. We discussed the following the following issues:

1. Pool fence: Rick gave me the information (attached) governing the restrictions on the pool. The fence height should be 4 feet. The gate should have an elevated child proof lock. All fence contractore are aware of the type of child proof lock required by law. The fence wing extension over the seawall are allowed.

2. The perimeter fence: The height 6 feet is allowed. The path of the fence is permitted running east and west; however, there is a problem with the north/south portion of the fence. Dunedin ordinance don’t allow a 6 foot fence within 10 feet of the water. In order to comply we have the following options:

a. On the west side of the property connect into the neighbors north/south fence.

b. On both north/south fences reduce the fence height to 4 feet, which is allowed within 10 feet of the water.

c. Seek a height variance for the north/south portions of the fence. If we choose to go for the variance he recommends that we apply for permitting in two sections then first portions which runs east/west and attaches to the buildings, and the second portion the runs north/south and will require the application for variance. Making the application in two parts will help us keep on schedule allowing us to do the first part while waiting for a variance on the second (north/south) part. He didn’t know how successful we’d beat getting a variance.

That was the extent of the discussion, other than to say that he seem impressed with the improvements and current appearance of the property.

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